Sunday, June 5, 2011

Making videos

Makeup is new enough to me because I didn't really start wearing makeup regularly until I was in my early 20's, maybe 22 or 23?? I mean I'm only 26, but it's not like I started in my teens. I feel I've learned a lot and I would like to help others learn as well. I wouldn't mind doing weddings and stuff one day, maybe not editorial type shoots. The thing that helped me learn makeup and how to apply it, along with a ton of other beauty related stuff was YouTube. There are so many bright and creative minds that were/are nice enough to share what they know on YouTube and inspire people like me everyday. I already have a full-time job (I am a registered nurse and work at a hospital) so I may not be entirely inspired to follow this dream whole-heartedly, but enough that I felt I have something to contribute in the way of creativity and inspiration also.

So here I am, 2 months and 18 videos later on YouTube. I was catching up my blog and videos today when I happened to notice that I have one dislike on a video viewed by 9 people. I was like "Wow, a like/dislike that's not my mom's (lol)!!" Then it hit me that that will show up as 100% dislike when people see my video :( I got upset for a minute, but then I got over it. I know it's not the greatest video, but I still like it and that's what matters. It is nice if other people like it too, but I have to be happy with what I do first or who else is going to like it??

This hasn't discouraged me in the least :) I only have two subscribers (both are people I know in real life) but that's okay. Nothing comes easy and I am prepared for that. I would love to be as popular as xsparkage, or queenofblending, or julieg713, or petrilude, or as popular as any of the most popular people on youtube. But if I can make a video and have someone say "that really helped me" or "nice makeup" that's good enough for me. That doesn't mean that I won't strive to do thing's better or push my self creativity-wise, because I will.

So I say to you random video disliker: Thank you for your silent encouragement to do better, even if you never say why you don't like my video :) There is always room for improvement!!


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